39° 52´,5 S - 73° 14´,6 W

Sailing Through the Pacific Ocean Rim
Join us in our journey

"Chile, Moana Nui A Kiva"
Like the intrepid ancient sailors sailing unknown waters on fantastic and exciting voyages, my adventurous spirit has made me cherish throughout my life the dream of embarking on an adventure of navigation and discovery to remote, unknown and exciting places. After much work, today the stars seem to align, the winds are blowing in the right direction and, the time to set sail has arrived.
Join me on this extraordinary journey, in which we pursue not only dreams, but also concrete goals, among which stands out our willingness to share our experience with you. Let us then take, together and from Chile to the other countries of Polynesia, a message of brotherhood and solidarity. Let's take advantage of our unique location in the Americas to forge opportunities and capture our brand and leadership in the Pacific Rim scenario.
Let's visit the 27 ports and take this message to the 12 countries that will welcome us. Let's sail the 27,000 miles together in pursuit of a brighter future for Chile, embracing the limitless potential that awaits us on the horizon."
Planned Track

The "Chile, Moana Nui A Kiva" Project aims to travel the Pacific Basin clockwise. We will embark in Valdivia, base port of the boat and sail to Quintero, from where we will leave the continental territory of our country in demand of Rapa Nui. This extraordinary voyage is estimated to take around 18 months, covering 27,000 miles and visiting 27 ports in 12 different countries.
Rapa Nui is of fundamental importance in the project. The island is central to the crossing, being the beginning of the international navigation and the end of it. In this wonderful place, our boat and crew will have the honor of receiving the blessing of the traditional authorities of the Rapa Nui people. This sacred connection will allow us to take aboard the Beau Geste the spirit of the ancestors of the Rapa Nui people and to be carriers of a message of union and brotherhood of all the Chilean people, continental and insular Polynesian, to the rest of the countries of Polynesia and the Pacific Basin.
For planning purposes, we have divided the region to be sailed into four quadrants, demarcated by the meridian 150 W and the Equator. The initial departure will be from the Base Port in the marina "The Roaring Forties Marina" in Valdivia, on November 1, 2023.
Planned Itinerary
Meet The Crew

Captain Raúl Zapata Fuenzalida
Captain Raúl Zapata Fuenzalida is a retired officer of the Chilean Navy and an engineer. He is also an Honorary Volunteer of the Fourteenth Fire Company "J.A.S. Jackson" of the Santiago Fire Department. He has been certified by the Chilean Navy as a High Seas Sport Captain and Competent Crew Member by the Royal Yachting Association in Australia.
He was the Captain of the Kuini Analola, a traditional Polynesian catamaran that made the crossing between the South American continent and Rapa Nui Island for the first time in modern times. He led the crew of ten in this historic achievement, setting sail from Valparaiso and calling at Anakena 27 days later, on April 27, 2019.

Maharenga Oroi Ika, “Hoko”
Maharenga Oroi Ika, “Hoko”. Well known and beloved member of the Rapa Nui community. A talented fisherman, seaman and virtuoso musician, Hoko is the perfect example of how these wonderful talents have been forged by fire over thousands of years in the spirit of our beloved Rapa Nui brothers and sisters.
In the voyage that took place in 2019 between Chiloé and Rapa Nui, he was the Captain of the Kuini Analola in the inland water sections and coastal navigation.
A true ambassador of his people, his experience and knowledge of the sea will be of extraordinary value for the "Chile, Moana Nui A Kiva" project team.